I’m Not Invisible

George W Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law on July 26, 1990; 34 years ago. Yet, people with disabilities still are rarely seen. And, if we are, we are recognized as either the superheroes or the poor victims.    

Last week, I facilitated a workshop where I blindfolded the participants and gave them long white canes with red tips. I asked them to check out their surroundings. Many people felt empowered, “I can’t believe I found the next room and snacks all by myself!” Others said being blind made them feel invisible.    

I can understand. People sometimes feel awkward around me. They get nervous about what to say or how to act, and thus ignore me altogether. This isn’t their fault. They probably haven’t been around a blind person before. They don’t realize that by allowing their fears to get in the way of us having a relationship, they’re leaving me to feel invisible.    

A few years ago, while attending a funeral for a dear friend, being invisible was brought home to me in a hilarious sequence of events.   

Towards the end of the service family and friends gave their memories-I decided I wanted to give mine as well! Being blind, I rose, unfolded my long white cane, and made my way down the center aisle to the front of the room. As I walked, I thought I’d go behind the podium, take the mike, and present my stories to the bereaved family. That’s not what happened.  

When I arrived at the front 100 pairs of eyes upon me-I touched the podium with my cane and not sure what I was encountering, I turned around and voiced aloud, “Oh, I guess I’ll go back to my seat!”   

As I turned, the priest who stood behind the podium said, “Now we can continue.”    

What? I was still standing smack dab in front of his face. The family exclaimed, “No, Gail wants to talk!”  


“Gail wants to talk!”  

“She wants to talk?” I couldn’t help myself and began to laugh.   

Everyone exclaimed again, but much louder, “Yes, she wants to talk!” I just wanted to ask, “FATHER, ARE YOU DEAF?”  

I was laughing so hard tears were beginning to fill my eyes. “Yes, I’d like to say something.” Having no other choice, and maybe embarrassed, the priest laughed, apologized, and handed the mic to me. Still laughing I said, “You know, I really just came up here on my way to the bathroom and got lost!” They all laughed! How could he be so blind? Talk about a case of someone not seeing me! I was totally invisible to him! I spent what felt like five minutes trying to pull myself back together enough to share some beloved memories.    

… I’m here! I’m not invisible! As I wrote in the first chapter of my memoir, Soaring into Greatness: A Blind Woman’s Vision to Live her Dreams and Fly, “I love to ice skate, swim, paraglide, walk in the park, watch TV, read books, make music, play games, attend movies, and go to concerts.” I like doing anything in the world because that’s how I see it. Though many times I’m found at home listening to a book or playing my autoharp or the piano, I’d rather be hanging out with someone and participating in some activity together.   

You see, I’m just like you, the only difference is, that I don’t make eye contact with you.     

The only way for me to turn from invisible to visible is to challenge you to want to connect with me. We must establish a relationship by motivating, facilitating, educating, exhilarating, and participating in life together. In this way, you’ll see me. And, in this way, you, me, we’ll change the way we see and you, me, we’ll change the way we live.  

As Sammy Davis Jr. says in the song, “I’ve Got to Be Me”:  

” Whether I’m right or whether I’m wrong  

Whether I find a place in this world or never belong  

I gotta be me, I’ve gotta be me  

What else can I be but what I am    

I want to live, not merely survive  

And I won’t give up this dream  

Of life that keeps me alive  

I gotta be me, I gotta be me  

The dream that I see makes me what I am   

That far-away prize, a world of success  

Is waiting for me if I heed the call  

I won’t settle down, won’t settle for less  

As long as there’s a chance that I can have it all  

I’ll go it alone, that’s how it must be  

I can’t be right for somebody else  

If I’m not right for me  

I gotta be free, I’ve gotta be free  

Daring to try, to do it or die  

I’ve gotta be me  

I’ll go it alone, that’s how it must be  

I can’t be right for somebody else  

If I’m not right for me  

I gotta be free, I just gotta be free  

Daring to try, to do it or die  

I gotta be me.”  

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