Where are Your Keys?

Recently, I heard a saying that said something to the effect, the keys to your happiness can’t be in someone else’s pocket; they have to be in your pocket.

That’s true! The keys to happiness, love, success, adventure, peace, faith, attitude, or anything else is up to you, and only you. Not your spouse! Not your friends! Not your counselor! Not your boss! Not your mentor! You! Now, you can get advice from these folks. Yet, at the end of the day, the keys must be held in your own possession.

When we put our happiness, our trust, and our faith in someone else we expect that that person will have the perfect answer to our issue, we’re putting our keys/selves in their pockets or hands.

This is when life gets complicated. For as long as the keys are outside our pockets, it’s hard for us to find them. We wander around, “Where’re my keys? Have you seen them? They were here a minute ago.” And too many times, the physical and psychological keys are right under our noses. They were here all along. We didn’t search hard or long enough. We gave up! We became frustrated. We might even get lost trying to find our keys.

Sometimes, in order to find our keys, it’s good to take a break, sit down, be in the silence, meditate, and pray. Many times, when we do this, the ah-ha comes to us, and immediately the keys are found. They were in our pocket all along. We might feel foolish and laugh aloud. “Why here they are, in my pocket!”

The question is, where are your psychological keys?
Are they in your pocket?
Are you waiting for someone out there to find them for you?
Are you assisting in the search?
Are you frustrated or trusting that the keys to your issue will be found?

You hold the keys. They are in your pocket. Never give your keys to someone else. They can’t drive your car for you. If you’ve given your keys to someone else, I challenge you to gently take them back. I challenge you to put your keys safe and sound into your pocket. Guard them. Jingle them! Play with them! And, never, never give them away. For in keeping the keys to happiness, love, success, adventure, peace, faith, attitude, or anything else inside your pocket, you will change the way you see and change the way you live.

P.S.  Once upon a time, a mother gives her little five-year-old boy a quarter. “Now Billy, I want you to give this quarter to the church when they pass around the plate. You hear me?” 
“Yes, Mom.” 
“I mean it. Don’t stop off and get a burger. I want you to go directly to church.” 
“Okay, I promise!” 
Later, the priest says, “God is everywhere! God is in this church. God is in your heart! God is in your mind.” 
The little boy raises his hands in prayer and lowers his head, “Please God, if you’re in my pocket, please don’t eat my hamburger!” 

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