The Innkeeper’s Gift

We all know that the three Wisemen brought gifts to the baby Jesus; however, did you know that the innkeeper brought a gift too?  

Whether you’re Catholic or Jewish, Moslem or Protestant, most likely you’ve heard the story of Mary and Joseph and their journey to the Inn. You know too, that the innkeeper said flat out that there wasn’t any room left and they had to find somewhere else to go.  

Can you imagine how Joseph and Mary felt when the innkeeper slammed the door in their faces?  

Dismayed, angry, frustrated, heartbroken, discouraged, pissed-off, are some words that come to mind.  

What were they going to do? 

Where were they going to go?  

With not much time, Joseph’s eyes landed on a stable. Can you imagine Mary’s reaction? 

Really Joseph! You want me to give birth with the camels and the sheep! On a bed of straw! With the dirt and the manure! Really! Joseph! Really! 

I know Mary, it’s this stable or the field. What else would you suggest we do? 

Sighing, dismounting, walking forward, opening the door, and bracing for a birth that wasn’t going to be easy, they went in. In that moment, they were unsure as to how they were going to make it through this process. Yet, they knew that everything on earth and in heaven was in divine order! …After much labor, baby Jesus was born. Wrapped in swaddling cloth, he was nurtured, guided, and empowered to live his life to his fullest potential.   

What about you? 

How do you respond to the innkeepers in your life? 

I presume most often you walk through life with an idea, a dream, a career, or a relationship, and then after years and years of riding on the camel’s back, it’s time to give birth! Yet, either society or family, boss or innkeeper says there’s no room in the inn and slams the door in your face.  

Do you get frustrated?  

Do you want to give up? 

Do you want to retreat and return home? 

Do you remember there are other options?  

The way to get your dream, passion, career, and relationship, is for you to walk through your own stable door and to go through your own agonizing birth. There’s no other way to proceed. You might cry out, “God, I just want this to be easy!” Nothing ever is! You still have to nurture, guide, and empower the desired baby which you, and only you came here to do. You wrap your baby in love, peace, kindness, and joy, and you take care of your baby for the next foreseeable future.   

Upon reflection, you recall the innkeeper. You realize his saying no to you was a true gift. If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t have had this beautiful experience. For whatever reason, you had to give birth under deplorable circumstances. The innkeeper was doing what he was meant to do in order to give you your perfect gift which only could be given by him at this moment!   

The challenge is to recognize the innkeepers in your life and to give them gratitude. In their own way, they’re guiding you to the light of your next adventure. Cursing and blaming him isn’t going to do you any good. Be bold! Be strong! Be brave! You’ll find your perfect stable! You’ll give everything you have to this new Baby. And, of course, in the process, you’ll change the way you see and change the way you live! 

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