Driving Your Train

Have you ever heard a train’s whistle blowing in the middle of the night far off in the distance?
Sounds peaceful, doesn’t it?

Most times, the train can be imagined gliding along on its tracks without a care in the world. However, at other times there can be unexpected train derailments.

Recently, I went to breakfast with a friend who commented, “I feel like I’m on a train headed towards a broken bridge.”

I asked, “What makes you want to visualize your life in this way?”

She proceeded to list a myriad of things which were going on in her life. I listened. Seemed to me the reason her life felt the way it did was because she was being a victim, letting life happen to her, and living in fear! She could view her life out of control headed towards the broken bridge, or not.

Once I pointed out she was the conductor of her train and she had choice, she relaxed a little.

We all have stuff to cope with. Some of these are real grief, loss, health concerns, career changes, or family situations-and other stuff can be gently dealt with if we would stop and see how we were thinking. Our subconscious mind often dictates our current situations.

Before our train gets plowed into the bridge or falls off its tracks, we can find other options to help us cope. We can:
Delegate tasks to another person
Say no to additional overwhelming responsibilities
Increase our prayer and meditation life
Connect with friends or family
Disconnect from the world and sit quietly with a cup of tea and read a good book.

No matter how you choose to cope with stress or life’s circumstances; this is your right way to cope with them. There’s no right or wrong way. Be gentle with yourself! You are the conductor of your train!

And, in this circumstance, I told my friend, “What if you weren’t driving the train? What if you were sitting in a sailboat and someone else was guiding the sails?” Sometimes it’s good just to let God do God! Everything is always in divine order!

I challenge you the next time you feel your train is headed towards a broken bridge, remember, you are the conductor! You can slow your train down! You can turn around! You can even share the driving with another conductor! You can get off and check out different scenery! You can even climb and ride on top and look at the stars overhead. Riding underneath or between the cars is a dangerous option. You are the creator of your life! You are in charge of how you choose to go down your train tracks! You can roll up and down the mountains of life with ease or be derailed by life and tossed down the mountainside. You have a choice! You have the power to live the life you want. You can change your perspective! And, you can always change the way you see and change the way you live.

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