What Would Love Do

Recently, I went out to lunch with a dear friend of mine. As we delighted in our plates of rice and tofu, our conversation turned to various situations in our lives. She stated her husband’s favorite saying-which guides his every decision and action-goes like this: “What would love do?”

Wow! This was provocative! What would love do?

What would love do, if someone cut you off in traffic?
What would love do, if your best friend discounted you for no reason?
What would love do, if you were afraid to confront someone?
What would love do, if you had to face a health concern?
What would love do, if fear, anger, and blame were your constant companions?

If I asked myself this same question and allowed love to be more in charge of my life, would I walk more boldly into my greatness? Would I be more unstoppable, unforgettable, and unbelievable?

Answer: yes, of course!

Though I realize I am a spiritual being here to shine my own unique light, simultaneously, I understand as a human being, I use my negative thoughts, words, and actions to take over and keep me from being the best person I am intended to be. At such moments, I forget love comes from the heart and everything else is head or ego-centered. Like you, I have to remind myself-as I wrote in the opening pages of my memoire:

“Where you find Creativity, you find Passion
Where you find Passion, you find Heart
Where you find Heart, you find Soul
And where you find Soul, you find God.”
~ Gail Louise Hamilton ~

If love ruled all the leaders of the world, there’d be no firing of rockets, missiles, or guns shooting at one another. Wars would end. There’d be no robberies, gang and domestic violence, or police shootings. Our thoughts, words, and our actions would be God-centered, positive, and action-oriented. Peace, kindness, and consideration would be in our foreground. We’d be more conscious of our planet. We’d take responsibility for our actions. We’d share and care for one another. Good would prevail!

So, on this day, if you’re faced with a situation-mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, or creatively-how about asking yourself, “What would love do?” I can imagine you quietly sitting with this question. I can imagine you finding your answer. I can imagine you being at peace. And, I can imagine you changing the way you see and changing the way you live.

p.s., If you are one of the first five people to email me and tell me how you used this phrase “What would love do” to change the way you see and change the way you live, I’ll give you 15% off my upcoming, soon to be published, workbook: “Soaring into Greatness: How to Live an Unstoppable, Unforgettable, Unbelievable Life”.

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