We all have it! We all want it! We sometimes don’t think we have it; however, we always have a choice! The choice to take a nap or to take a walk! The choice to have lunch with a friend or to go chopping! The choice to go on vacation or to stay home and read a book! Every minute of every day we have a choice!
How many times do to say to ourselves, “I have to do this or that!”
No, you don’t! You never Have to do anything! There may be consequences, however, the choice is always yours for you to do or not to do!
Sometimes, to justify our choices, we come up with rationalizations or excuses.
I don’t feel like …
I’m too busy so …
I have to do this so I won’t be able to do that, sorry!
Have you ever said these things to someone else?
I know I have!
We all are human! Sometimes it’s okay to change our minds. The second we consciously become aware we “don’t want” to do whatever “It” is, we (one), have to acknowledge our awareness and (two), need to come clean with the other person.
Recently, I told someone via text I’d spend an evening with them. I value my word as sacred! When I make a promise, I feel it is first, to God, second, to me, and third, to the other person. If I need to change my mind, I check in with God/spirit, then my heart, and then go to the other person.
In this case, I realized as soon as I pressed the send button I’d made a mistake. So, being human, in my infinite wisdom I put a Ps on the appointment. “I’ll keep this; however, I may need to reschedule since I may feel exhausted from my jam-packed week. … When we get together, I want our time to be quality time.”
Immediately I received a text stating I was not keeping my word, and I was inconveniencing her even though the scheduled time was 48 hours away. Feeling backed into a corner, I responded, “Okay, I’ll keep our appointment.” After literally sleeping on the interaction, I remembered I’m never trapped and I always have a choice. The following morning, I came clean and texted, “I’m canceling our appointment and I’m giving you a 37-hour notice.”
You see, we all have a choice. Sometimes we’re functional in our choices, sometimes we are human and have to go back and apologize for our transactions. The trick is to be as transparent as possible in every moment. We must follow our hearts, listen to our spirit, and speak our truth. None of us are beyond being human!
I challenge you to remember you always have a choice. The next time you’re making a decision, pause, breathe in, check in with yourself, let go of your ego, and open yourself to what you truly want. In this way, you’ll change the way you see and change the way you live.
Need help regarding making a decision and choosing the right direction?
Email me to schedule a free 30-minute chat.
Look for my upcoming workbook: Soaring into Greatness: How to Live an Unstoppable, Unforgettable, Unbelievable Life coming out soon.
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